.hack// series
Added on June 06, 2024The ".hack//" series is an older anime and game series that takes place within an MMO (Spoilers will be fairly lax on this page because of the age!). Somewhat supernatural things start to happen (such as IRL player death, players getting trapped in the game), leading to this interesting fantasy sci-fi aesthetic clearly inspired by the Phantasy Star series. Rather than other series on the same concept (like Sword Art Online), most players have no idea about the plot quietly unfolding in the background. .hack// loves to interrogate the nature of the internet, and the player's inability to know what's happening behind the screen.
A player playing a character that is a different gender than their assigned gender at birth was captured in the early 2000s, and in .hack//GU, there is a very accurate portrayal of a Traumagenic Plural system. Sakubo, a party member controlled by the players Saku and Bo ("siblings", supposedly), eventually come out to the player as a plural system (minor content warning: the player character can react poorly to this, if the player choses). On the whole, the .hack// series has always been an incredible series for representation, even in the early 2000s.
# lgbt # plurality # traumagenic plurality # indie